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» ACL Rehab Pilates
ACL Rehab Pilates

Meet 1 of our Fabulous #RehabPilates Instructors @Amanda! She’s demonstrating a Reverse Lunge on the Pilates Reformer. It’s one of the exercises she used to rehab her knee as a former dancer 💃
👉Here’s what she has to say:

❇️This exercise is responsible for helping me recover from my ACL reconstruction and meniscal repair. Not only is this challenging my core by forcing my stabilizers to kick on, but I am working my gluteus maximus and my quadriceps as I press the carriage out. I’m also getting a great stretch to the front of my hip (hip flexors) of my rear leg🦵. Strengthening all of the muscles around the knee and hip are so important with ACL rehab but also any other Knee issue. I love this exercise as a forever addition to my Pilates practice❗️

❇️Amanda is teaching our brand of Rehab Pilates (small group size of 3 or less participants maintains a High level of individual attention). All clients have been screened or evaluated by our licensed Physical Therapists and there’s seamless communication between the PT and the Rehab Pilates Instructor.

❇️Want a safe space to exercise even if you’ve had a history of injuries? Wanna be active but always seem to get hurt when you join group classes? Our Rehab Pilates Program may be the perfect fit for you to get back to being active and fit❗️DM us or give us a call 925-222-5446 to learn more. #aclrehab #meniscustear #acltear#kneerehab #rehabpilates #pilatesforrehab #kneepain #hipmobility#pilates