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» Advanced Plank Variations for Shoulder and Core
Advanced Plank Variations for Shoulder and Core

Who doesn’t love a good plank? If you do it properly, it’s just an awesome core and shoulder workout! Check out the video of our own @ironptmom demonstrating some advanced plank variations (progressing eventually to a one arm push up). NOTE how long she takes to setup in between each repetition!

The Devil is always in the details. There is nearly no movement when she transfers her weight from one arm to the other and when she basically does a birddog from this plank position! There are definitely ways to scale this to make it more accessible to folks who aren’t quite as strong (yet). We will do a scaled version of this in our Kettlebell Core & Flow Class, which moves back to Thursday @5:30pm in July. IronFit Crew (our class for active people over 70 years old) will also do a scaled version- class is held on Friday’s @3pm in July.