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How To Make Positive Physical Changes In The COVID-19 Era

We are almost to March! Time to spring forward. March means many things besides changing your clocks. In this current day it will mean we are almost to a year from when schools first closed.  With an increase in the number of vaccines and a decrease in the numbers of Covid cases, return to some form of in person school has already happened or is on the horizon for many of us here in California.  Spring also means warmer weather and a transition back to outside activities and sports while still maintaining masking protocols and social distancing.  

Many of you might notice new aches and pains in yourselves, your partner, or in your children as you return to athletic activities, gardening, and sports. Many of you might wonder why? With the increased amount of time we as a whole are spending sitting and online, especially for our students who have been doing “zoom school” for almost a year, we have unfortunately set our bodies up for some changes that will affect our ability to get out and “just do it”.  Longer sitting times and being stationary means postural fatigue (rounding of the back and shoulders), tight hip flexors which can then increase tension in our low back, and excessive tightness in our anterior chest and shoulder musculature leading to shoulder pain and potential injury if we just try to return to our previously more active lifestyle.  

What can you do to combat these changes? One is to add a stretching and strengthening regimen to your daily routine. Focus on the core, glutes, and periscapular musculature that is the foundation for a bullet proof body. Don’t just jump right in! Ease in, and build up to your previous level of activity.  This means starting with less reps and weights, a run/walk vs flat out run, a shorter time doing your preferred activities vs the extended time you use to commit to as you rebuild your endurance and strength.  Take it from me, not only a Doctor of Physical Therapy but a swimmer and runner coming back from a combination of less activity and an injury. The expression you have to “walk before you can run” is based on truth and the fact that all endeavors take time to build up to their full potential.

Need direction/guidance? Worried about injuries with return to you and your active family’s lifestyle? Rehabbing an injury that happened during shelter in place? Come see us here at Ironhorse Physical Therapy and Pilates for a full body assessment and concrete plan for rebuilding a bullet proof body, getting out doors and reclaiming the activity and or sport that you love! Here at Ironhorse we are movement experts as well as Swimmers, Runners, Triathletes, Hikers, Weight Lifters, Cross Fitters, Gardeners, Parents of active children, and so much more.  Let’s get you out there and safely “just doing it”.

Image courtesy of work-fit.com.