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» Knee Pain Workshop Take Away
Knee Pain Workshop Take Away

Our PTs, Victoria + Ben had a blast Co-teaching our Knee Pain Workshop CrossFit San Ramon❗️We had a great turn out of ~20 athletes from all different backgrounds + abilities, including #triathletes#crossfitters#runners and more. Here are some takeaways:
⭐️Knee Pain is not really about the Knee. Always look at the hip and foot/ankle. Sometimes it’s an old back problem that doesn’t hurt anymore 💥 
⭐️Determine if you have a #mobility problem or a #motorcontrol#strength or #stability problem. The treatment is very different. Figure out the WHY❗️
⭐️”Bone on Bone” doesn’t mean you’re doomed- you can still be very active and pain-free 
⭐️Foam rolling the IT band is not very useful and what to do instead 
⭐️We gave everyone a few simple tools to try to improve their knee issues on their own but if you’re not making progress after 2 weeks, it’s probably best to seek help from a knowledgeable professional (like us!) 😊
#kneepain #crossfit #runners #marathon #halfmarathon #triathletes #triathlon #PhysicalTherapy #sanramon #ITbandsyndrome #acltear#aclreconstruction #aclrepair #patellafemoralsyndrome #PFPS #squats#kneecap