» Core & Pelvic Floor Rehab
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Core & Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation in San Ramon, CA

Postpartum Corrective
Exercise Specialist

Postpartum Pelvic Therapy for San Ramon Residents 

Do you feel like you haven’t recovered your core strength since giving birth (even if it was years ago)?

Do you avoid jumping on trampolines or run to the bathroom when you do jumping jacks in fitness classes? Embarassed by "queefing" in yoga class or peeing your pants when you cough, sneeze, run or lift weights? 

Do you get achy in your neck, shoulders or Lower back especially when caring for your kid(s)?

Are you frustrated by the appearance and function of your post-partum belly but don’t know how to train effectively?

Have you been diagnosed with diastasis recti aka “mummy tummy”?

Diastasis Recti is often a combination of poor breathing patterns, muscle imbalances, and postural tendencies. While pregnancy is a contributing factor to Diastasis Recti it can also be a symptom of a greater whole body imbalance.

Or maybe you're trying to lose weight, get back to working out ie. running or Crossfit, Pilates, Barre, etc. but are discouraged or somewhat alarmed when you find you're peeing your pants when you try to be fit/healthy?! 

Prenatal Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in San Ramon, CA

Prenatal pelvic floor physical therapy uses specialized physical therapy techniques that address discomfort and pelvic floor issues during pregnancy. At Ironhorse PT, prenatal pelvic floor therapy in San Ramon, CA, works to strengthen, stretch, and optimize pelvic floor muscle function to support your growing uterus and prepare your body for childbirth.

What to expect with Prenatal Pelvic Floor Therapy at Ironhorse PT in San Ramon, CA

Step #1 – Comprehensive Assessment

As with any physical therapy treatment plan, prenatal pelvic floor therapy begins with a thorough assessment of your pelvic floor muscles and how they function. Your pelvic floor physical therapist listens to your symptom description carefully, evaluates your muscle tone and strength, and identifies areas of dysfunction.

Step # 2 – Patient Education

An essential step in prenatal pelvic floor physical therapy is educating you about the anatomy and the function of your pelvic floor. Your Ironhorse PT physical therapist will explain the changes during your pregnancy and how childbirth impacts your body.

Step #3 – Targeted Exercises

Your PT develops targeted, personalized exercises tailored to your body’s specific needs. Most patients use a combination of pelvic floor exercises (Kegels), stretching, core strengthening exercises, and postural alignment strategies.

Step #4 – Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is the foundation of most physical therapy treatment plans. At Ironhorse PT, for Pelvic Floor Therapy Prenatal in San Ramon, CA, your treatment plan may include massage, myofascial release, or joint mobilization for trigger points, muscle tightness, and alignment issues in your pelvic region. 

Step #5 – Body Mechanics

Your pelvic floor physical therapist at Ironhorse PT will provide information and guidance to help you achieve the posture, movement patterns, and body mechanics to reduce the strain on your pelvic floor muscles. Body mechanics guidance enables you to reduce the discomfort and symptoms like urinary incontinence that are so bothersome during pregnancy. 

Step #6 – Labor and Delivery Prep  

You’ll discover positions, breathing techniques, and other targeted strategies to optimize your pelvic floor function to enhance your labor and delivery experience.

Prenatal Pelvic Floor Therapy in San Ramon, CA, at Ironhorse PT, is conducted by a licensed pelvic health physical therapist with very specialized training. If you have pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapses or want additional help to prepare for childbirth, make an appointment for an initial assessment.

Pilates Sessions for Core & Pelvic Floor Rehab in San Ramon, CA

These semi-private sessions are perfect for individuals who have completed their rehab or physical therapy treatment for an injury or condition and would like to either maintain their health or continue to improve and progress their fitness level. There is ongoing communication between the licensed Physical Therapists and certified/trained Pilates Instructors to ensure a safe and effective workout that focus on your needs as an individual.

Some of the classes/sessions are taught by a licensed Physical Therapist as well. This is quite different from going to a general Pilates studio where there can be 8-10 students of different levels and with different issues. Some exercises done in a larger group class may be good for you but some may be detrimental... How would you know the difference? 

Read more about how it’s generally not a good idea to take group Pilates, Barre, or Yoga in order to fix your neck/back/shoulder pain, etc.

Semi Private Pilates Reformer Sessions

Monday at 9am-10am Pilate Semi Private Class with Dr. Nicole

Tuesday at 10am-11am and 11am-12pm Pilate Semi Private Class with Dr. Kate

Thursday at 8am-9am, 9am-10am and 10am-11am Pilate Semi Private Class with Dr. Kate

Current Class Schedule (2023)

Current Class Schedule (2023)

Postpartum Running in San Ramon

Postpartum running is an excellent way for new mothers to regain their fitness and get back into shape. It’s essential to approach a postpartum running plan under the guidance of a physical therapist. 

The physical therapists at Ironhorse Physical Therapy will develop and supervise your running postpartum to ensure you get maximum results safely. Our physical therapists in San Ramon provide a tailored running program considering your unique needs and challenges as a new mother. 

When Can You Start Running Postpartum

A postpartum running plan at Ironhorse Physical Therapy in San Ramon begins with thoroughly assessing your pelvic floor muscles and overall condition. Your physical therapist evaluates muscle imbalances, weaknesses, and dysfunction. Based on that assessment, you receive a personalized plan that gradually and safely reintroduces running into your fitness routine after the baby is born.

Most postpartum running plans include targeted exercises that strengthen your core, pelvic floor, and lower body muscles. These exercises help restore stability and strength for running to reduce the risks of injury and complications. Iron Horse PT’s specially trained physical therapist provides guidance on proper form, pacing, and breathing techniques for a safe, effective running experience.

Most women wait at least 12 weeks after giving birth to implement a postpartum running plan, although a supervised fitness program may be implemented earlier. Your physical therapist monitors your progress, addresses concerns and setbacks, and adjusts the running plan as needed. You’ll also have access to education and information on injury prevention, nutrition, and overall postpartum wellness.

With expertise and guidance, our physical therapists help you regain your fitness, rebuild strength, and enjoy the numerous benefits of running. Take the next step toward reclaiming your health, confidence, and well-being during this postpartum period. Contact Ironhorse Physical Therapy to implement a postpartum running plan supervised by a physical therapist if you are a new mother looking to resume running.

FAQs About Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

When should you start pelvic floor therapy in pregnancy?

If you have pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, or other issues with your pelvic floor, you may find pelvic floor physical therapy helpful during your pregnancy. When to start your physical therapy depends on your symptoms and circumstances. Generally, pelvic floor physical therapy begins as soon as you feel discomfort or other issues or as your healthcare provider recommends.

How can I fix my pelvic floor during pregnancy?

Fixing your pelvic floor during pregnancy involves specific targeted exercises, lifestyle changes, and some professional guidance. A pelvic floor physical therapist can provide tailored exercise programs, manual therapy, and expert advice to address your discomfort or pelvic floor issues throughout your pregnancy.

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